Thursday, March 21, 2013

Google Glass

Ok, I'm kind of late now, but maybe this will help someone.

Google Glass, An Innovation To the 21st Century
By: Allen Bohanan

Google Glass, an amazing wearable tech which may seem sci-fi, but it’s real.

Glass is basically just an eyeglass frame with features of a tablet. To start Glass, all you have to do is say “OK, Glass.” Then you can ask Glass anything you want.
Here are some features of Glass:

  • say “take a picture” -takes a picture with a camera on the frame
  • you can record whatever you see
  • you can let others see what you see with google hangouts
  • you can ask for directions
  • you can send a message to your friends
  • you can ask anything you want (like siri)
  • you can translate your voice

You may be wondering how everything above appears. Surprisingly, there is a small clear screen on the left side of Glass which acts as a display.

The only downside of Google Glass is that it doesn’t have 3G, 4G, or 4G LTE! You can connect Google Glass to your phone by Bluetooth, but I’d rather have 4G built into it.

Apparently there have been some apps made for Google Glass. I will try to write about those apps on another blog post.

If you have any suggestions or if you would like to contribute to the blog, please email me at: or comment below. I need help since it's really only me writing these articles. :(

- Allen (thecat)

Universal lyric to every song

Don't know the words to a song?
Replace the every syllable of the song that you don't know with the "meow." Perfect! Or you can do "woof." But only use one syllable animal sounds.

Real World Example:

Twinkle Twinkle little star,
Meow-Meow Meow-Meow Meow-Meow Meow,

There you have it! Now, you will know the lyrics to every song!

If you have any suggestions or you want to contribute to this blog, email me, or comment below!

- Allen (thecat)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Interviews with neighbors

I'm sorry I haven't made any new posts yet. Lately, I have been interviewing some neighbours. Let's just say I didn't get to interview many people. Three out of 16. WOW I thought more people would accept my interview. Some said they were sick and most weren't home. There was this one guy who was really the only person who flat out rejected our request. All he said was "No, I'm Fine." And closed the door. I could smell alcohol coming out of his apartment. Guess he was going back to drinking...

Well, here are the three results:

Do you listen to music?
     1. Not really, sometimes I listen to Hindi music.
     2. Yes, Popular and classical music
     3. Yes, rap and rock
Do you like reading?
     1. Not really.
     2. Yes, favorite genre is fiction.
     3. Yes, magazines like Time, Forbes, etc...
What's your favorite movie?
     1. Avatar
     2. To Kill a Mocking Bird, watched by renting DVD
     3. Monkey goes West (Chinese Movie)
What are some things you like about Arcadia?
     1. Very green and safe
     2. Close to the mountains
     3. There are nice neighbours
What are some things you don't like about Arcadia?
     1. The rent is expensive
     2. It's very busy
     3. Nothing, I like it
If you could live in any country in the world, which country would you want to live in?
     1. Japan, Tokyo
     2. United States, Carmel (Indiana)
     3. Here in Arcadia, that's why I'm here.
What is your favorite animal? Why?
     1. Horse. You can ride them.
     2. Dog
     3. None, I don't like animals, they're dirty. <---- BUT... BUT... BUT... THEY'RE SO CUTE AND FLUFFY..... :(
If you had to choose, dogs or cats?
     1. Cats. <---- YAYYYY
     2. Dogs
     3. As shown above, none.
Do you prefer fruits, vegetables, or meat?
     1. Fruits, Mangoes.
     2. All of them. <-- wow, he's definitely not a picky eater...
     3. Fruits, Pineapples, oranges, and pears.
Do you enjoy watching sports?
     1. Yes, ping-pong, cricket, badminton, tennis
     2. Not so much.
     3. Yes, Tennis
What's your favorite sport. Why?
     1. Badminton
     2. Golf
     3. Tennis
Do you watch the Olympics during the summer every four years? Which sport do you like watching the most?
     1. Yes, Ping-Pong
     2. Sometimes, Gymnastics
     3. Yes, Tennis. <----- Wow! This guy's a tennis fan!

Yup that's it. Hooray! Tomorrow, I will try to interview more people.

By the way, if you would like to contribute posts to this blog, please email me or comment below! Than you!

- Allen (the cat)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The First Day of School, A Poem

The First Day of School
By: Zelda Zhao

Today is the first day of school

I find this new place pretty cool

My teachers are nice
And they have pet mice

My classmates are so kind
Their names can’t leave my mind

Loudly the bell blares
I go down the stairs

I leave school without sorrow
I will come back tomorrow.

I Love Rain

I Love Rain
By: Allen Bohanan

Today is a rainy day
It is the first day of May

In the sky I see grey
On the ground I see hay

I look into the bay
And shout hip hip hooray!

Responses to cat survey

Responses to the cat survey

Do cats meow?
Yes: 23
I'm not sure: 7
I pledge the fifth: 2
Other: 5
No: 2

Do cats purr?
Yes: 20
No, Never: 3
I don't know: 4
Other: 5

The Cat And The Overdue Book

The Cat And The Overdue Book

By: Allen Bohanan

There was a cat named Yeow 
The cat liked to meow

On a bright and sunny day he flew,
Because his library book was due

But it was too late
He missed his due date.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Cat And The Bee

The Cat And The Bee, A Poem

By: Allen Bohanan

a lazy cat sat on a tree

and decided to take a little nap

but he disturbed a bee

so the cat checked his map
and decided to run,
so he jumped off the branch
and followed the sun
till he found an old ranch
on top of a shirt, he saw a pig
so the cat cried for help
but the pig kept chewing his twig
so the cat ate some kelp
when the bee came out of a tee,
and he cried: “please don’t sting me!”